HIMYM 200th episode turns tables on the mother!
We have 'How I Met Your Mother' celebrating its 200th episode today, and we were looking forward to some exciting flashbacks and a ride along the memory lane. But we were given a beautiful and a long-awaited episode with this one, where the story of the mother is told. The 200th episode concentrates solely on the backstory of the mother since the start of HIMYM in 2005, wherein our main characters appear and go off. The episode titles itself were changed to 'How Your Mother Met Me'. The episode starts with the 'mother' and her friends meeting up together at 'McLaren's Pub'. But not the one with Ted and his friends, when a call comes spilling tragedy for the mother. Then one by one the episode goes through the times when Ted and the mother came almost face-to-face, but missed each other. Christin Milioti gets full space to showcase comedy as well as some emotions that we have wanted to see. We always wanted to know more about the mother, w...